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Troubleshooting ssh connectivity issue using public/private key

We have a scenario in which our code is failing to establish ssh connection to an AIX host using public/private key. I took the following approach to perform the troubleshooting, i. Our code uses JSCH library to establish the SSH connection. To make sure this is not an issue with jsch usage, I made sure the following 1) Public key - Made sure public key is configured in .ssh/authorized_keys file in the target host 2) Private key - Made sure we have the private key and setting it correctly in jsch library ii. Next step is to see if we are able to connect using ssh tool from a linux machine. Following are the steps 1) Get the private key and create a file named 'privatekey'. Put the content of the private key in the file 2) Now connect to the target machine using ssh -v -i key user@hostname. If it doesn't work, then you can be sure that the problem is not with your code iii. Next step is to run sshd in debug mode and then try to connect and analyze the ...
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