December 11, 2019
- Download the appropriate jdbc driver from
- Extract the driver package to the modules folder under EAP
- Here is from where my EAP is running C:\Users\admin\EAP-7.0.0\
- Create a folder named "sqlserver" under C:\Users\admin\EAP-7.0.0\modules\system\layers\base\com\microsoft
- Copy the extracted driver jar file (for example mssql-jdbc-6.4.0.jre8.jar) to C:\Users\admin\EAP-7.0.0\modules\system\layers\base\com\microsoft\main
- Now create a modules.xml file in C:\Users\admin\EAP-7.0.0\modules\system\layers\base\com\microsoft\main with the following settings
version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- Now, you need to tell EAP/Wildfly about the new driver and you can do that by modifying the configuration xml.
- By default the configuration xml is "standalone.xml" which you can find in the folder C:\Users\admin\EAP-7.0.0\standalone\configuration
- Go to "drivers" node under "<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:datasources:4.0">" and add the new driver as shown below (You can see the default h2 driver under this section)
name="sqlserver" module="">
- Restart EAP/Wildfly server and you can see the below line in log and this confirms that the JBOSS server detected the new driver
- WFLYJCA0004: Deploying JDBC-compliant driver class (version 6.4)
- Now let us see how to configure a SQL server as a data source in EAP/Wildfly
- Connect to JBOSS administration console (For eg: http://localhost:9990/console/App.html#home)
- Go to Configuration -> Subsystems -> Datasources -> Non-XA and Click on Add
- Give a Name and JNDI name your data source
- Specify the driver details as shown in Image 2
- Provide the connection settings as shown in image 3. In case of local machine use 'localhost', otherwise use the server where SQL server is installed.
- Make to provide valid user name and password and also make sure the database is created in SQL server
- Once this is done, click on view the data source and test the connection and make sure it succeeds. If there is a connection problem try restarting the JBOSS server
- Follow the below steps to configure the persistence.xml
- Adding the following entry into perisistence.xml
name="SQLDB" transaction-type="JTA">
name="javax.persistence.jdbc.driver" value="sqlserver"/>
name="" value="create-drop" />
name="hibernate.show_sql" value="true"/>
- And this is how to inject the PersistenceUnit
private EntityManager entityManager;
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